Robin Shatzkin, Concierge Travel Consultant: A new level of service
Posted on 02/28/2018The smell of suntan lotion… Santa giving out presents around the pool…Sunburned noses from days on the ski slopes… These are just some of the memories from my childhood vacations many, many years ago and I cherish each and every one.
My name is Robin Shatzkin and I am a Concierge Travel Consultant. What does that mean? Why do I need a travel agent when everything is online? Why should I pay more to have someone else do what I can do myself? I didn’t know there still were travel agents around! Allow me to address your questions.
Can Waze find my office?
I don’t have a brick and mortar storefront. My office is wherever you need me to be….your kitchen, Panera, Dunkin Donuts, the parking lot at your child’s soccer practice, or on the phone while you are making dinner. I try to make myself available at your convenience so that we can be the most productive.
I can do it myself…
Yes, many of the trips that you are looking for are available online. Sometimes I have special offers on packages or have access to bulk airfares that are not available to the public. I also have payment options that can make things easier for you. For example, a $200 per person deposit will hold your reservation with final payments due 30 days before your trip. This way you can take advantage of the best prices without having to come up with all the money at once. There are no hidden fees so it should not cost you more to book through me.
Do you remember when your VCR used to flash 000?
Yes, unlike cassette tapes and printed encyclopedias, travel agents still exist. While many of you have been booking your trips successfully without one, there may have been a time when you had a problem. The website that booked your very inexpensive trip has strangers telling you that there is nothing that they can do. While I can’t fix everything, you will have my cell number, What’s App, email, etc. so that I am your person. I’ve been there…I’ve booked through those portals myself and they are great as long as you don’t deviate from the itinerary. You have kids, jobs, families…who doesn’t ever need to deviate?!
After 32 years in this community teaching Mommy and Me classes, directing Theater and running Special Events at a local day camp, working with hunger organizations and of course, travelling the world every chance I had, I understand the need to escape every now and then. My goal is to make your family’s vacation dreams come true. To help you plan that weekend getaway for just the grownups so that you are rested and refreshed upon your return. To create appropriate multi-generational vacations so that grandparents can experience the excitement of watching your kid’s faces when they see Mickey for the first time. To know that when you are traveling, a real person at home has your back.
The smell of suntan lotion and a winter suntan still bring back a flood of childhood memories for me. I look forward to helping make new memories for you and your family.